Thursday, July 21, 2011

Some changes.....

I can now join the amount of people that post, "Sorry I haven't updated in awhile!"  We've been quite busy at the Swaney house lately!  We share a garden with great friends of ours, and currently, I am seeing green beans in my sleep!  Seriously though, looking at the amount of canned green beans we have makes me very thankful!!! 

The kids are doing well and enjoying their summer.  Boredom is not something they are complaining about!  It's hard to believe that school starts in just about a month!  It is also hard to believe that this little beauty is going to be in 2nd grade!! 
I am quite ready for school, and schedules to be a part of our lives again.  Not because the kids fight and drive me nuts all day....well OK...maybe a teensy tiny bit of me is ready for this reason.  The main reason is summer has been TOO busy for me!!  I know I will regret it, but I told Anthony this morning that I am almost wanting winter just so things will slow down!!  We have had quite the fun summer though!!  We had a small (spontaneous) get together on the 4th of July, and enjoyed the Rodeo parade last night, and our first ever Rodeo tonight. It was a lot of fun and the kids, Anthony, & I all loved it! We plan to make Rodeo week a tradition for our family!
Our whole family is now wanting a horse!!!  One of these days, we hope to make this possible!!  The first step in buying this (or another) house and having the property to keep one on is done. We sold our house in Danville earlier this month!  It is such a great feeling of relief to not have to worry about it anymore! It took almost a year, but that big pain in the butt is finally over!  We would love to purchase the house we are currently in, but it will be awhile for us to save for a down payment and all that good stuff.  It is just something we want to do at this point....not even sure if our landlord would be willing to sell it.

Cody had his 6 week post op appointment with the eye doctor last week.  The doctor was very pleased.  He told us, "The surgery worked, and his eyes are strait as an arrow!"  Very happy to know that more surgery is not in Cody Bear's future!

And of course, I don't want to leave Hannah Bean out of my post!  She's growing up so fast.  We're working on potty training, and for just really starting out (again) she's doing great!  She's wearing big girl panties during the day now, and not having many accidents.  She would have probably been trained by now, if I had not gotten lazy when she first started showing interest!  She's also starting to talk a lot more!  I love this age!  She does however, have quite the attitude. The terrible twos, as with my other kids came early and have hit the peak!  At least I hope it is the peak!  I can not believe my baby girl will be 2 years old in less than a month!

On to the big changes that are getting ready to take place!  First and most excitedly my Mom is moving here!!  She got her an adorable little house in Lenox.  One block from my church!  She, along with BOTH my sisters and two of my nephews are coming to visit in two weeks to personally tour the house.  She already has the house, and will be moving in October 1st.  However, she has only seen it through my pictures...but she trusts me, and this place is just perfect for her! 

I have other news I could add in this section, but will omit it at the moment.....I may have more family close to me soon...I'll just leave it at that for now! ;)

And lastly, something that I shouldn't even post about yet!  It is possible that I may start working part time soon.  I am very excited and hopeful!  I haven't been looking for a job, but there was a posting at the post office last week that just caught my eye! I asked them about it, and it is only 2 hours/day and perfect for me! I would still be able to spend most of my time with my babies, yet have a little bit of adult time, and help contribute to our family! I went to Des Moines yesterday to take the testing on it, and passed, so I'm just praying now!  I will definitely be updating if anything comes of it!!

Well, that's all for now from me! Hope you all are enjoying summer and making memories! God bless!

1 comment:

  1. I'm still loving Gracie's haircut, it is so stinkin cute on her!!!! Welcome to the masses of the "forget to blog often" community haha I know I'm definately in the club too :)
