Tuesday, June 7, 2011

His middle name is not Bear

My Cody Bear.  He's 3 1/2 years old, he's a blond haired, blue eyed, short little guy.  His middle name is Dale, after my Dad whom we lost to cancer 3 years ago.  It is a great honor to have my Dad's memory live through his name. 
Cody is the middle child in our family. Some people see this as a curse, but I think he's lucky.  He gets to experience having an older sister and a younger sister.  One thing I would change for him, is giving him a younger brother (NOT going to happen) but still...in a perfect world....

He is a little sweet heart, and he is a little hyper, and he is a little clingy, and he is a little stubborn.   I wouldn't change any of it.  These characteristics are what make Cody Dale Swaney my Cody Bear.   He loves tractors, and he likes cars trucks, trains, planes, and semis.  He is interested in anything with wheels. He loves Mickey Mouse and Cailliou.  As with all my children, he is a water baby. 

Cody adores both his sisters.   He really looks up to Gracie and wants to be just like her.  And they play so good together, most of the time.  They really are best friends!

He cares so much for Hannah, and though, as a brother, he fights with her, takes her toys away, and can just be plain mean, deep down he really loves her.   He is always yelling at me if I make her cry. I love seeing how protective of her he is, even at this age.

My Baby Bear has had a big week recently.  He had his first (and hopefully only) surgery.  Cody has/had accomodative Estoropia in both of his eyes.  The muscles in both his eyes were over active and when he would focus on something, the eye he was using most would cross (or roll up).  The Optometrist had to go in and realign the muscles.  The first picture in this post is the day of his surgery, before they took him back.  We were at Boys Town National Research Hospital in Omaha, NE.  Our wonderful Pastor and her husband drove 2 hours just to sit with us!  This place was wonderful. The nurses really cared for my baby boy.  They brought him bubbles to blow while we were waiting.

As they did with Gracie when she had her tonsillectomy, they gave Cody the medicine that relaxes him before they took him back.  He was hilarious.  It really seemed like he was drunk.  He got a little dizzy at first, and wasn't talking, just shaking his head in a goofy way when you talked to him.  Then, all of a sudden he started saying, "This is my VOICE!" over and over again!  It wore off after about 10 minutes, not completely, but enough so that he was just a happy kid.  They took him back, with no issues, and he was only gone about half an hour.  The doctor came in first to tell us all went well, and gave us the instructions for care at home. (This was an out patient surgery).  Cody stayed in recovery for about 30 more minutes.  The anesthesiologist came in and let us know they had to give him an albuterol treatment because Cody was coughing quite a bit after he woke up.  They brought Cody back to us shortly after.
He was hyperventilating a little from crying so hard when they first got to our room, but as soon as he was in my arms, he was sleeping peacefully again. 

He woke up after about 45 minutes and wanted to try a drink and a few crackers, and they let us go home.  The anesthesia gave him such an upset tummy that caught up to him as we were walking out of the hospital.  Mickey Mouse had to have his first washing machine bath. (And thankfully, he survived!)  

We had a follow up appointment in Omaha with his Optometrist, so we stayed that night in a hotel. Cody's tummy was bothering him quite a bit.  When we were finally settled in, he went back to sleep for about 4 hours and woke up being the same old Cody Bear he was when we left that morning!  He's been doing great with his eye drops, and not complaining of pain much at all!  The following picture is 5 days post op.  The redness in his eyes will eventually fade, and we have his 6 week post op appointment on July 15th.
Cody Bear was such a brave, strong little guy. I am really proud of him!  Not only for his surgery and how well he handled it, but for how caring and loving he is with his sisters and his whole family.  He gives our family an energy that completes us.  I love my little man unconditionally, and I feel extremely blessed that God chose me to be his Mommy!